The Doctrines of Christ

In the Calvinist world, there are various means to communicate the distinction of Calvinistic theological understanding. In recent times, these doctrines are known as the Doctrines of Grace. I am not a Calvinist, I am an Anabaptist. I would like to communicate Anabaptist theological understanding by posing “The Doctrines of Christ.”

Christocentric– Jesus in His life and teachings inform the Christian life for all generations. He the Cornerstone for understanding the Scriptures and the church. From His teaching, the rest of the New Testament is built and the Old Testament is illumined.

Christ as King– Followers of Christ cast their faith and allegiance to Jesus and His Kingdom, living out their citizenship as pilgrims in a foreign land eagerly awaiting the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.

New Covenant– The New Testament is the Constitution for Jesus’ nation of disciples in the New Covenant delivered and wrought by the King Himself. The Old Testament is to be treated through the lens of Jesus and His Apostles.

Believers Baptism– Baptism is to be reserved for born again disciples who repent, believe and follow Jesus Christ in their life.

Brotherhood– The church is the family of God. They are redeemed through Christ’s sacrifice, defined by their love for Jesus, one another and obedient to His commands. Jesus says those who are part of His family are those who do the will of His Father.

Nonviolence– The disciples of Jesus are to show the goodness of God by practicing nonviolence and expressing love to all. Thus, they reveal that they are children of their Father in Heaven.

Counter-Cultural– The life Jesus calls His followers to through His teachings and the teachings of His apostle set His church apart as they shine as a distinct people living counter-culturally to the world. This is done through the transformation of the Spirit in relationship with Christ obeying His commands, practicing the divine traditions and by living according to the design of the New Testament. It is this distinction that is shows the world there is life and hope in Jesus.

Great Commission– The Church is commissioned by Christ to reach the world with the Gospel of the Kingdom as Jesus builds His nation among the nations. We are to make disciples of all nations, baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and teach them to observe all things Christ commanded.

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